Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dentist Feature

This is the second radio documentary I made at school. This one was made for my radio class. It's about people's fears of dentists and how the media has caused these fears.

I felt a little pressed for time while making it, but I am happy with how it turned out in the end. There are many things I would change about it. Firstly, it's a heavy topic and it would be better if it were longer (I had an eight minute timeline). The song choice was a little strange (I chose it last minute) and volume levels could use some work.

Let me know what you think.


Dentist Feature by erichatch21

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mama J's Cakes Package Report

This is a television package report I produced about a local women who runs her own home-based business. Mama J creates southern gourmet cakes for residents on the island of Montreal - and quite possibly the best cakes I have ever eaten.

For more info, visit her website at


Sexual Assault Centre of Montreal Radio Documentary

This is a radio documentary that I made in my first semester at Journalism school. It's about the Sexual Assault Centre of Montreal and gives listeners a sense of what it is like to work in such an establishment. I also wanted to let people know that resources like this are always available to help those in need.


Sexual Assault Centre of Montreal Radio Doc by erichatch21

Experiences in Experimentation

Hello everyone.

My name is Eric an I am a 25-year-old aspiring journalist. I am taking the time to start up my own blog. With it, I hope to add some of my school work (articles, radio reports and television packages) to give you a sense of who I am as a journalist, a writer and researcher. I also hope to bring you a sense of who I am as a person.

This blog will not only be used to describe my experiences in journalism, but any experiments I encounter along the way. Whether it be trying out a new recipe (I love to cook), reviewing a book or a movie that I love (I love to read too!) or to just tell you about my everyday life, I hope you take the time to read and enjoy.

Now let's get started...come and experience my experiments with me.
